In the event of an EMERGENCY (violation of the fundamental rights of Italian citizens, limitation or deprivation of personal freedom, accidents, real danger to one’s life, theft of passport and/or money, lack of means of support, urgent repatriation of a body) the Consular Office can be reached:
- every day from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 14.30 to 16.00,in person or by calling 021 6596 5900;
- outside of this time frame, through the emergency number 13901993054. It’s use is exclusive prerogative of Italian citizens in distress.
The emergency phone line is intended for emergencies only. It cannot be used to inquire about visas or consular services, information on which can be obtained trough email or by calling the Consulate public phone line. Any abuse, especially by non-Italian citizens, will be reported to local police authorities.
Tel.: +86 (0) 21 65965900
Fax: +86(21) 64716977 / 86 (21) 54075179
EMERGENCY (only for italian citizens in case of emergency)
Cell: +86 13901993054
Posta Elettronica Certificata (PEC):
Posta Elettronica Certificata (PEC) Ufficio Visti: